Monday, September 18, 2006

Trend Following

Posted By J

This is less the how-to book I presumed when I opened it up than a review of some successful trend followers from a "believing" journalist's perspective. I don't mean to make it sound like some sort of Amway promotional, but there is a fine line this author walks between promoting the notion of trend-following trading systems on what almost seems like a religious-fervor basis and simply reviewing and recounting such traders' success.

That critique aside, I enjoyed the review of many of those successful traders whom I had not known of before. Several large hedge fund managers and successful traders seem to have liked the book enough to endorse it as well. And while it's not a how-to book, Covel does do a decent job of reviewing the (very) basic concepts of trend-following for those unfamiliar with the topic. It was enough to get me thinking about whether or not this is a style of trading I should pursue learning more about since it sounds like the sort of data-based process which I would enjoy. A decent read and not a long one. Oh, and it's cheesy, but he sticks a couple inspirational or informative quotes on every page, so keeps things interesting. That and lots of charts and table help keep the book moving along (book looks bigger than it is).


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